Infection Control of Water – How Is It Done?

Water is the mainstay of life. It is also the breeding ground for several microbes, pathogens, and microorganisms. They are highly active and their growth poses a serious threat to the health of a population. Diseases caused by bacterias such as Legionella, Nontuberculosis mycobacteria, E. coli, Hepatitis A, and other gram-negative bacterias are to be contained. So the drinking water should be treated accordingly, starting from the source.

Role of the EPA

To protect the public from water contaminants, The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the legal limit on 90 contaminants in drinking water. Using the latest available technology, water systems can protect human health. Although in the US, the community water supply infection control depends on the quality of water that enters the treatment plant. Normally surface waters need more filtration and treatment. Lakes, streams, and rivers contain pollutants and sediments, They contaminate the water and cause infections.

Treatment of Community Water

Through Coagulation and Flocculation, the primary steps of removing dust and other dissolved particles are taken. The dust and the particles are then slowly sedimented to the bottom of the water supply. Then the clear water is passed through various filtration methods involving charcoal, sand, and gravel. In this process, the dust, parasites, chemicals, and other microbes are removed.

When the water is thus filtered, it is disinfected with substances such as chlorine, chloramine,  etc. The residual microbes and infecting organisms are removed.

Household Methods of Water Treatment

Even though tap waters meet stringent standards in the US, it is not germ-free. Many Americans take recourse to household water treatment units, such as-

Filtration Systems get rid of contaminations utilizing a biological process or a physical barrier.

Water Softeners are used to modulate the chemical elements in water, therefore, rendering it soft and use-worthy.

To remove the solid contaminants, the process of distillation is also used. The water is boiled, and the vapor is collected and condensed in a different vessel.

Disinfectants like Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone are also used to neutralize pathogens and microbes.

Some units also employ UV rays, heat, or electronic radiation to render the water risk-free.

Role of PlumbingPlumbing has to be designed in a way that reduces the growth and spread of waterborne pathogens. It helps to minimize the risk of infections. Certain types of microbes are present, and while they do not pose a threat to highly immune human beings, they can infect and jeopardize the health of a patient in a healthcare facility.

Negative Role of Aerosol

Aerosol also helps in microbial growth. Therefore devices that turn water into aerosol, such as room humidifiers and ornamental fountains, constitute a likelihood of infection with waterborne bacterias and are not recommended in the presence of children or at-risk patients.

Disinfecting Toilets According to the recent evidence, Toilets, sinks, and drainage systems can also contain a highly contaminating organisms. They can resist the effect of life-saving drugs. Therefore it is mandatory to disinfect the drainage systems and various items of the toilet regularly to avoid getting infected. To prevent splashings, faucets should not be discharged directly above the drain. Hoppers and Toilet covers are sanitary, they help to reduce the microbial spread.

Nephros Inc. Also Offers Following Services :

Lead Water Filter
Dialysis Quality Water
Hemodiafiltration Machine
Dialysis Filter

Contact US:

Nephros Inc.
Address: 380 Lackawanna Pl,  South Orange, NJ
Phone: (201) 343-5202